Is Disney World Moving to New Orleans?

Disney World is one of the most popular and beloved theme parks in the world, attracting millions of visitors every year. Disney World is located in Orlando, Florida, and consists of four theme parks, two water parks, dozens of resorts, and hundreds of attractions. Disney World is known for its magical and immersive experiences, featuring iconic characters, stories, and lands.

However, there has been a recent rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans, Louisiana. This rumor was sparked by a website called Mouse Trap News, which claimed that Disney World officially announced its relocation to New Orleans in a press release. The website also claimed that Disney World would close its Orlando location by the end of 2024, and reopen in New Orleans by 2025.

But is this rumor true? Is Disney World moving to New Orleans? And if so, why? In this article, we will examine the source, the evidence, and the implications of this rumor, and try to answer these questions.

The Source of the Rumor

The source of the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans is a website called Mouse Trap News, which describes itself as “the ultimate source for Disney news, rumors, and opinions”. The website claims to have insider information and exclusive access to Disney executives, employees, and projects.

The website published an article on April 1, 2024, titled “BREAKING: Disney World Officially Moving to New Orleans”. The article claimed that Disney World issued a press release announcing its relocation to New Orleans, citing several reasons, such as:

  • The rising cost of land and taxes in Florida
  • The increasing competition from Universal Studios and other theme parks in Orlando
  • The declining tourism and revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath
  • The desire to expand and diversify its offerings and audience
  • The opportunity to leverage the rich culture, history, and cuisine of New Orleans
  • The partnership with the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana, which offered generous incentives and subsidies

The article also claimed that Disney World would close its Orlando location by December 31, 2024, and reopen in New Orleans by July 4, 2025. The article stated that Disney World would retain some of its classic attractions, such as Cinderella Castle, Space Mountain, and Pirates of the Caribbean, but also introduce new ones, such as:

  • The Princess and the Frog Land, featuring Tiana’s Palace, a bayou boat ride, and a Mardi Gras parade
  • The Haunted Mansion Land, featuring a spooky mansion, a graveyard, and a ghost train
  • The Jazz Land, featuring a jazz club, a musical theater, and a jazz museum
  • The French Quarter Land, featuring a replica of the historic district, with shops, restaurants, and street performers
  • The Swamp Land, featuring a swamp tour, an alligator encounter, and a swamp-themed roller coaster

The article also claimed that Disney World would offer special discounts and packages for Florida residents who wanted to visit the new location, as well as free transportation and accommodation for Disney World employees who wanted to relocate.

The article ended with a quote from Bob Chapek, the CEO of Disney, who allegedly said: “We are thrilled to announce this exciting and historic move for Disney World. We believe that New Orleans is the perfect place for Disney World to grow and flourish, and we can’t wait to welcome our guests to the new and improved Disney World in 2025.”

The Evidence of the Rumor

The evidence of the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans is very weak and unreliable. The only source of the rumor is the Mouse Trap News website, which has no credibility or authority. The website does not provide any links, screenshots, or documents to support its claims, nor does it name any sources or witnesses. The website also does not have any contact information, social media accounts, or author profiles.

The website also has several red flags that indicate that it is not a trustworthy or reputable source, such as:

  • The website has a poor design, with low-quality images, fonts, and layouts
  • The website has many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, such as “Disney World” instead of “Walt Disney World”, “New Orlean” instead of “New Orleans”, and “re-open” instead of “reopen”
  • The website has many factual errors, such as stating that Disney World has six theme parks instead of four, and that New Orleans is the capital of Louisiana instead of Baton Rouge
  • The website has many logical errors, such as stating that Disney World would close its Orlando location in less than a year, and reopen in New Orleans in less than six months, which is unrealistic and impractical
  • The website has many suspicious and sensational claims, such as stating that Disney World would move to New Orleans because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is over by 2024, and that Disney World would partner with the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana, which are known for their corruption and mismanagement

The website also has a clear disclaimer at the bottom of the page, which reads: “Mouse Trap News is a satire and parody website. All articles are fictional and for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, people, or places is purely coincidental.”

Therefore, the evidence of the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans is very weak and unreliable, and the rumor is most likely a hoax, a prank, or a joke.

The Implications of the Rumor

The implications of the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans are very significant and serious, both for Disney and for the public. If the rumor were true, it would have major consequences for the economy, the environment, the culture, and the society of both Florida and Louisiana, as well as for the millions of fans, visitors, and employees of Disney World.

Some of the possible implications of the rumor are:

  • For Disney, the move would entail a huge financial cost, a massive logistical challenge, a major legal risk, and potential reputational damage. Disney would have to sell or abandon its vast and valuable property in Orlando, which spans over 25,000 acres and includes four theme parks, two water parks, dozens of resorts, and hundreds of attractions. Disney would also have to buy or lease a new property in New Orleans, which would be much smaller and more expensive and would require extensive renovation and construction. Disney would also have to deal with the regulatory and contractual issues of moving its operations from one state to another, which could involve lawsuits, fines, and penalties. Disney would also have to face backlash and criticism from its loyal and passionate fans, visitors, and employees, who would be disappointed, angry, and betrayed by the move.
  • For Florida, the move would entail a huge economic loss, a massive social impact, a major environmental threat, and a potential political crisis. Florida would lose one of its biggest and most important sources of income, employment, and tourism, which would affect its GDP, tax revenue, and budget. Florida would also lose one of its most iconic and beloved symbols of culture, entertainment, and innovation, which would affect its identity, pride, and reputation. Florida would also have to deal with the discontent and dissatisfaction of its residents, businesses, and politicians, who would be outraged, hurt, and betrayed by the move. Many Floridians have grown up with Disney World as part of their lives, and consider it a source of joy, nostalgia, and inspiration. Many businesses rely on Disney World as a major customer, partner, or competitor, and would face significant losses or challenges without it. Many politicians have supported or opposed Disney World on various issues and would lose a powerful ally or adversary in the state. The move would also spark protests, lawsuits, and campaigns to stop or reverse it, creating social unrest and political turmoil.
  • For Louisiana, the move would entail a huge economic gain, a massive social change, a major environmental opportunity, and a potential political challenge. Louisiana would gain one of the biggest and most prestigious sources of income, employment, and tourism, which would boost its GDP, tax revenue, and budget. Louisiana would also gain one of the most innovative and influential symbols of culture, entertainment, and creativity, which would enhance its identity, pride, and reputation. Louisiana would also have the opportunity to showcase and preserve its rich culture, history, and cuisine, which would attract more visitors and investors. Louisiana would also have to deal with the expectations and demands of its residents, businesses, and politicians, who would be excited, curious, and hopeful about the move.
  • For the public, the move would entail a huge emotional shock, a massive behavioral adjustment, a major travel decision, and a potential loyalty dilemma. The public would have to cope with the surprise and disbelief of the move, which would challenge their perception and attachment to Disney World. The public would also have to adapt to the new location and offerings of Disney World, which would require them to learn and explore more. The public would also have to decide whether to visit the new or the old Disney World, which would depend on their budget, preference, and convenience. The public would also have to choose whether to support or oppose the move, which would depend on their loyalty, sentiment, and opinion.


In conclusion, the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans is false and unfounded. The rumor is based on a satire and parody website, which has no credibility or authority. The website does not provide any evidence or sources to support its claims, nor does it have any contact information, social media accounts, or author profiles. The website also has a clear disclaimer that states that all articles are fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

The rumor is also very unlikely and unrealistic, as it would have major consequences for Disney and for the public. The move would entail a huge financial cost, a massive logistical challenge, a major legal risk, and a potential reputational damage for Disney. The move would also entail a huge economic loss, a massive social impact, a major environmental threat, and a potential political crisis for Florida. The move would also entail a huge economic gain, a massive social change, a major environmental opportunity, and a potential political challenge for Louisiana. The move would also entail a huge emotional shock, a massive behavioral adjustment, a major travel decision, and a potential loyalty dilemma for the public.

Therefore, the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans is not true, and should not be taken seriously. Disney World is not moving to New Orleans and will remain in Orlando, Florida, where it has been since 1971. Disney World is still one of the most popular and beloved theme parks in the world and will continue to offer its magical and immersive experiences, featuring iconic characters, stories, and lands.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers related to the topic of Is Disney World Moving to New Orleans?:

Q: Why did Mouse Trap News publish the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans?

A: Mouse Trap News published the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans as a satire and parody, to mock and entertain its readers. Mouse Trap News is a website that specializes in creating fake and humorous news, rumors, and opinions about Disney and does not intend to mislead or harm anyone.

Q: How did the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans spread?

A: The rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans spread through social media, blogs, forums, and word-of-mouth. Some people shared the rumor as a joke, while others shared it as a fact, without verifying the source or the evidence. Some people also shared the rumor as a wish, hoping that it would come true.

Q: How did Disney respond to the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans?

A: Disney responded to the rumor that Disney World is moving to New Orleans by issuing a statement, denying and debunking the rumor. Disney also clarified that Disney World is not moving to New Orleans and that it is committed to staying and growing in Orlando, Florida. Disney also urged its fans, visitors, and employees to be careful and critical of the information they consume and share online, and to check the official Disney channels for any updates or announcements.

Ahmi John knows the ins and outs of every Disney World resort, from value hotels to deluxe villas. She has stayed at over 10 different resorts and loves helping families choose the perfect homebase. Her favorite resort activities include sipping cocktails at Trader Sam's and watching the fireworks from the beaches of the Polynesian.

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